
Understanding Orthodontics in Brooklyn With Dr. Mohamed AlJanabi

Dentistry can be confusing as a whole. There are different names for each tooth, a variety of preventative, cosmetic, and restorative procedures, and not to mention the structure and health of the mouth itself. Orthodontics adds another layer to this that can sometimes be confusing if you have no prior experience with it. Orthodontics allows specially trained dentists, like Brooklyn orthodontist Dr. Mohamed AlJanabi, to correct issues with a variety of methods.

What is orthodontics?

Overall, orthodontics is a means of correcting problems within the teeth and jaws to achieve proper alignment and shape within the mouth. Ideally, treatments begin between 10-14 years of age when permanent teeth are forming but children are still growing and teeth are easier to straighten. However, orthodontic procedures can be performed at any age, including well into adulthood. Various procedures can be used to correct misalignment.

What conditions do orthodontics treat?

Orthodontics can treat any number of conditions that cause dental misalignment of the teeth and a poor bite. Jaw alignment problems like underbites, overbites, cross bites, open bites, and midline discrepancies can cause teeth to not make proper contact. Another issue rises from crooked teeth, typically caused by spacing problems, crowding, or missing lateral incisors. Generally speaking, orthodontics is a means to treat any alignment concern caused by poorly aligned teeth or jaws.

What types of treatments are available?

Generally, orthodontics in Brooklyn require some type of dental appliance to treat the condition. Dental appliances can be fixed or removable. Most commonly, fixed appliances include traditional metal braces and use gradual, gentle pressure to adjust the position of the teeth to achieve the desired results. Metal braces have improved dramatically in recent years and also are available with ceramic brackets to reduce the visibility of braces. Alternatively, lenticular braces are fixed to the back of the teeth to reduce visibility. Retainers can also be fixed to the teeth to provide greater stability and eliminate problems that may be associated with most retainers.

Dental misalignment can also be treated with removable appliances that allow patients greater flexibility. The most common removable appliances are clear aligners. These work similarly to braces but can be removed for dental hygiene care, sports activities, and eating. Removable retainers, commonly worn after traditional braces as well, can be worn strictly at night to maintain the position of teeth at night without disruptions during the day. Other removable appliances include splints, expanders, and maintainers that are used for a variety of conditions.

Orthodontics can also treat conditions without any appliance needed. Procedures such as extractions can reduce crowding and misalignment to prevent teeth from shifting before it becomes a problem.

Why should I choose Dr. AlJanabi as my orthodontist?

Dr. Mohamed AlJanabi has been providing quality dental care to his patients for many years. He has a thorough understanding of orthodontics and the outstanding education to support it. If you are in need of orthodontics in Brooklyn, look no further than Brooklyn Orthodontics. You can schedule your consultation by calling (718) 333-5898.

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